Sunday, 29 April 2012


Why is it when one is looking for a suitable pen-name or pseudonym for signing blog posts that all the names one really wants are taken by others? I have an interest in ancient Britain and all things archaeological and so I decided to use King Bladud, to my surprise, he was available.

Bladud was a British king that ruled for about twenty years from somewhere between 830BC to 500BC. It is said that he was educated in Athens; built the city of Kaerbadum (Bath) when he became aware of the healing values of the hot springs and mud; became a wizard, and invented a flying machine which killed him when he crashed into a wall at Troja Nova.

I have a practice at times of taking the part of the ‘Devil’s Advocate’ when I am blogging, as I find that many popular or cherished beliefs need to be challenged, but I don’t promise to be a myth buster.

This blog is written in Standard English and I use the Oxford Dictionary for reference. You may notice words spelt differently if you use American English at home. I have tried to avoid using colloquial English and slang so that the Google translator (at the top of the page) can do a better job of translation. My multi-lingual friends tell me that the translations are often very funny. For some reason the languages in the translator drop-down box are all in English, perhaps Google may want to modify the drop-down box so that everybody can find their own language easily.

When I started this blog I often used illustrations that added little value to the text and were quite frankly a personal indulgence. If a picture is worth a thousand words, and adds value, I now include a link to that picture or chart. Where I have removed pictures I may have accidentally ‘thrown the baby out with the bathwater’, for that I apologise. To those that were unable to access the blogs text due to the pictures freezing their browser I hope this fixes it.

Footnote: Bladud has been used before on Blogger in April 2006. Nothing is new.

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